We almost reached the centre point of our blog series, this is the 5th blog and 4th flavour in this Flavours of life.
The Forth Flavour Of Life Is "PATIENCE"
The motto of these flavours of life series is to create awareness about essential life characters and makes us realize the importance of practising it. As I mentioned before all these life characters are interlinked. It is difficult to practice one single flavour to implement in our life. Today's flavour of 'Patience' is mostly connected with yesterday's flavour. If we started understanding the peace in us then it is easy to practice this patience, it is also another flavour of life which we need to discuss separately.
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle
DEFINITION: Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
Patience is one of the best qualities which we need to develop in our life. Patience teaches us many things. We have to be patient in order to achieve something.
Patience to Learn:
Nowadays it seems that the world has become fast. Many of the times we are not ready to wait, we are expecting everything to be instant due to this we are lagging in learning. We cannot get everything instant. Some things we have to wait in order to learn the experience.If you want to be a leader you should be a servant. - Jesus
Patience to Educate:
We should be patient when someone does something to us because of ignorance or due to miss- communication. The reason for ignorance is a lack of knowledge or education, so losing our patient will not work out here we have to educate them in what they are lagging.
But we must be clear that our problems are due to ignorance or arrogance. It doesn't mean we should be patient with injustice.
Patience to Understand:
Not everything you thought will happen. People lose their patience when their desires do not come true, in this case, we should not lose our patience but we should try to understand and be ready to accept.“Patience is when you’re supposed to get mad, but you choose to understand.”Patience is the sweetest flavour of our life, I met a person who is very patient in his life, it is an outcome of that person's maturity. He is having answers for all the questions at that moment I realized how sweet that this flavour is. Being patient looks cool, I hope you also met a person like that in your life. Let's be cool by practising patience in our life. You can comment below the coolest person you met ever.
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