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Flavour 3 (Flavours of Life )

4th blog in this series, let's recall what we discussed in previous topics...

The Third Flavour Of Life Is "PEACE"


Often when we talk about peace it is universally spoken of, like Peace among countries, No war Only Peace. So how peace can be a flavour of our life,  Basically we can divide peace into two types   
  • External peace
  • Internal peace 
External peace talks about the peace in the society and Internal peace is the peace that the individual has, as we discuss the flavours of life lets focus on internal peace.

If there is to be peace in the world,
 there must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
there must be peace in the cities.
 If there is to be peace in the cities,
there must be peace between neighbours.
 If there is to be peace between neighbours,
 there must be peace in the home. 
If there is to be peace in the home,
there must be peace in the heart.

- Lao Tzu

It clearly shows that internal peace influences external peace.
Peace is nothing but freedom from all that influences us. We can't get Peace from outside, Instead, we have to feel the peace within us. The worldly things which influence us will restrict us to feel peace in us. Meditation is one of the ways to feel the peace in us, while meditating we will not think about the struggles which influences us.

Why is it important to have peace in your life?

Inner peace brings solutions for the struggles in our life, Inner peace creates self-awareness. In today's world, we are very much engaged with various things and relationships which always makes us busy which leads us to divert or fail to focus on peace or fail to look at the purpose of life. A peaceful mind will not distract from its path. Peace of mind helps to focus on our goal which helps to succeed in our life. 

Nowadays many people are struggling with stress, one of the reasons behind the stress is they fail to manage the situation properly, Lacking is time management, afraid of responsibility etc. The basic solution for all the issues is handling the situation with a peace of mind. 
"Peace of mind"
 The most valuable thing in the world, nothing is worth your peace of mind. -Chetan bhagat

Sharing of Peace 

Many religions have a practice of sharing peace. The reason behind sharing peace is to reconcile with one another, hence peace will not exist with devious minds. 

According to the Global Peace Index 2019, India has ranked 141 places out of 163 countries, there will be no peace in the nation if we don't have peace in our hearts. If we want our nation to be peaceful we have to start from ourselves. 

Let's understand the limitations of our life, Most of the times the unethical practices are the reason to disturb our inner peace. Let's figure out the unethical behaviours and let's filter it from our life. The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. 



The 4th blog of this Series FLAVOUR 4  will be an outcome of Flavour 3. 


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